I first want to apologize for my lack of posting. We are in the end stage of the prep work for of our big renovation project in the house we recently purchased and its not fun in this economy! But we are weathering the storm and hoping for a democrat for President, ANY democrat. Anyhow, remember Ina Garten's Manhattan pad in House Beautiful? I never got over those orange velvet curtains against those black window panes. Ina is a lucky gal to have snagged a duplex with double height windows which she really showcased with these simple, lush panels. I wish my workroom didn't charge an extra 30% for sewing velvet, or I would be doing these more for clients. Ina is such a great lady, do you know her former life was writing nuclear budget policy for the White House? Isn't fantastic you can have more than one life in this life? Now, if only I could get this house off the ground to start my new life.....