I was excited to get to Terrain's booth after a feature on them many moons ago in Domino magazine. They did not disappoint! Beautiful mini succulents (so popular) and glass terrariums made me swoon. I'm dying to get to the big shop with it's cafe and spa. Definitely a day trip in the works for that.

I desperately wanted this chicken coup (sorry for the blurry photo). I don't think they'll let me raise chickens in Scranton though.

An antique pram set amongst the flowers

I loved this table above a gravel floor infused with oyster shells. So pretty!

I finally bought some peonies! This booth was so beautiful, it was so hard to choose. I went with a "Red Pearls in A Pink Tray" variety. Find their website here

My mom had to bring home a giant flower for Gigi. The bus people didn't agree.

We capped of the day with a cocktail at the Ritz Carleton. I loved all the pink.

Well here are my purchases minus the peonies. A stag fern because Martha has one on her Bedford porch in this month's MSL that is so gorgeous. Chalkboard plant markers from Terrain that I thought would make great place settings for an outdoor dinner party, a small succulent called a Burros Tail. And a gorgeous rosemary plant to keep in my kitchen for fragrance. I hope I don't kill anything, I'm still learning for sure.