My cut peonies in my kitchen.
This is the first year in this house that I feel like I can go outside and not wince at a major yard issue. I'm happy!! My bed along the fence as you can see is really starting to take off and could probably use some trimming. I planted 3 Limelight Hydrangeas 2 years ago and boy are they getting big! I also "borrowed" a stalk of sedum from Cape May's Congress Hall because I loved how beautiful it looked, and can you imagine how it multiplied???? I laugh cause the husband said it would never make it home alive and was freaking that there was ants crawling all over it. I consider it a win... Also two peonies, funny the expensive Philadelphia Flower Show one didn't bloom, the 12 dollar Walmart one did.w Goes to show you. But as my friend Jen pointed out, it could take a couple of years. And of course rows of boxwood. I think I need to add some color, but still feeling successful. The yard was about a foot of brush all the way across with nothing but anaconda size grapevines. Dug them up one by one in previous years and just kept seeding with grass. It's looking good!! Here's your yard paying you back too this year! A couple of images that inspire as well....hope you feel the same way.
Images from House and Life,Rural Intelligence, Michael Devine, Domino, Unknown, Elle Decor