For my most of my adult life I have thought of it as a study in contrasts. I guess most of that comes from my marriage. I fell head over heels with a guy over a decade ago who essentially had the exact same childhood as me which does not add any conntrast but perhaps a whole lot of comfort to the both of us. Father dies when you a toddler, mother takes over as CEO of a ship taking on water and manages to make it float, and the kid tries to find one's place in the world. Fast forward to those two kids finding two very different worlds to exist and then make a life together work. Somehow we did.

It is either completely humorous or painful coming together at the end of a day and explaining just went on. I have it easier for sure and far less painful. We don't live in a glamorous place. But I get to float in and out of a world that certainly offers a whole lot of beauty. Work and friends in the city, beautiful homes and fantastic people right here Scranton, family and lucky stars connections that intermingle with my far less impressive day to day raising two kids and building an interior design business.

Yes, I've struggled with wanting bigger. Still do. And perhaps might get it one day. But back to the husband's world there is something that brings me right back to where I am. The guys are hilarious, tough, crude, and sweet at the same time. They come as a package deal with the job and this life and I count my blessing I get to be a part of this mix. It does not contain one ounce of grandeur but what it does have is authenticity and is special thing to be a part of. They would probably disagree. But that is why there is a million tv shows and movies about such a life. It's interesting to watch.

So when the group of guys, wives, girlfriends get a babysitter and go on an ordinary Tuesday night to finally let lose a little at our local restaurant, drinks are poured and the conversation is fun and far from proper. Feeling relaxed and about to sip of wine,the husband turns to me and says, "Martha Stewart just sat down", very nonchalantly.

I'm pretty sure I laughed. I mean come on? Tuesday night at Russell's and Martha just sat down? So I looked. Yes, indeed Martha is sitting one table away. No one noticed her. Except the husband who has the contrast of living in my world from time to time. Our table got louder and sillier and not because of Martha because the guys could really care less. The girlfriends and wives were a bit more curious. We did not bother her as she looked as if she definitely did not want to be bothered. She looked at me as she left without a smile. I remember feeling bad for a moment. She will probably never see anything about my home, my designs, or the great interest I have taken in all the extraordinary she has created over the years with some serious speed bumps along the way. I admire Martha for that. But I suddenly realized perhaps her life contains very little of what I take for granted. I love the contrast and am grateful to have it. It was nice to see you Martha.
All images Martha Stewart Living.