Well its here. It's taken me awhile (obviously) to acknowledge it on this little blog. The New Year is here. I've been thinking a lot what I'm going to do with it. I'm not going to lie, the last couple of years have been rough. Life changing, damaging thing happens to your kid. Check. Lost loved ones. Check. House after house of monstrous fix ups that get you somewhere but not quite right there. Check. This is what I am after in the New Year:
1. I am not terrific at celebrating my strengths. I've done some good work. I should try harder at showing it. And I will, here on this little blog and perhaps on a bigger stage. Let's cross fingers.
2. I will try so hard not to sweat the small stuff. The big stuff I will try very hard to get right.
3. Getting together with people I love is non negotiable. I will find the time even if there are kids running underfoot.
4. I will enjoy this year for all it has and hasn't got to offer. I still to this day seriously cannot believe how many people tune in to hear what I have to say on this blog. Its truly a blessing. Thank you. Love Ali
Oh one last thing. I will go to Paris.
Have an unbelievable 2011.