Remember way back when what my back entry used to look like? It was really the kitchen and I cannot imagine how that ever functioned. There was a servant's kitchen way on the third floor as well (as we suspect, why else would you have a kitchen sink up there?) Anyhow, I thought I would share what it looks like today. We created a powder room to the left, removed the arch, and added french doors to the porch. We recently added a barn door slider to add a hidden pantry space. My great friend and neighbor Cathy let me dig one her terrific five panel doors out of her basement and I proceeded to have it painted with chalkboard paint. I hit Agway for the barn slide mechanicals. The nice people at the counter couldn't understand what I was doing with this inside my house, but I digress. Found an old rotary phone on Ebay and it has the BEST ring. And now James can't dump boxes of ziti every other day. Thrilling. The chair is vintage from my mother in law and found a nice seagrass runner on Overstock. Overstock saved my life this Christmas. The grasscloth repeats throughout my kitchen. I hope you like it!