Lonny Magazine and Rubie Green's Michelle Adams

Lovely Kate Townsend Simpson with her husband Bill in the background

The Fashionable Ochre

Pat Cline, sharp dressed man

Dapper Michael Devine

Fabulous Deborah Buck of Buck House

Antiques dealer extraordinaire David Duncan and me

Eddie Ross and Michelle having a good time!
So back from New York and I promised I would report! What a fun time to be had in the Big A. In a terrible rainstorm I cabbed it to the Lonny Magazine Launch Party held at Ochre in Soho. I was met by founder Michelle Adams and her dad who she remarked was most happy to have him at the party which I thought was so sweet. She is as pretty on the inside as on the out and the girl knows how to get it done! Soon after then met cutie pie photographer and co-founder Patrick Cline who helped me fix my Nikon camera settings (how funny is that?)and chatted about the volume of positive responses to Lonny. They make a great team and I hear they are off to Paris for a story! As I strolled down the lane to grab a glass of wine, I was fortunate to run into the adorable and uber talented Michael Devine . Catch Michael in House Beautiful's How Do You Like To Entertain feature in this month's issue. Michael proceeded to grab my arm and introduce me to the fabulous set that occupied the party. He knows everybody! First, we bumped into Lonny cover girl Kate Townsend and her very sweet and proud husband Bill. Michael and I were teasing him how did didn't quite make the "cut" in Lonny.
I also had the good fortune of meeting David Duncan of David Duncan Antiques. He and his partner Michael McGraw are actually visiting Scranton over the holidays so we made some plans to meet up! David's shop looks amazing and I cannot wait to visit it the next time I'm in New York.
The place got packed with designers,bloggers,and style setters like Mr. Eddie Ross, who seems to be just about everywhere and in everything these days! He couldn't have been sweeter as I greeted him in passing. The night was full of so many interesting people and stories, I'm glad I took the trip to take part in Lonny's successful start.
Thanks hubbie for the pass! And you too Alexis!
how fun is that!! so jealous...
i want to see those kelly green draperies.
I wish that I could have attended this evening, looks like a wonderful time!
Soooo exciting! Wish I could've been a fly on the wall!
So glad you had a great time, thanks for having that drink for me, and thanks so much as always for the comment! Hope you had a good weekend!
xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea :)
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