Ok, so I know I am like the last person to post about the premier issue of Lonny Magazine. Founders Michelle Adams (of Rubie Green fame) and photographer extraordinaire Patrick Cline ambitiously and bravely set out to fill the void of our beloved you know who that gave us affordable, approachable design month after month. And boy, did they deliver!!!!! From Kate Townsend Simpson's blessed baby days in her gorgeous home, to Deborah Needleman's country abode that makes you want to pick up and find the first fresh air manor available, plus much much more which we never could get from the glossies due to page restrictions. Lonny, we love!!!
And this mommy gets to meet the fabulous Ms. Green and the gang from Lonny next week in New York City. I can't wait to report!
Have fun! I used to work with those gals at Domino as well (Michelle was my partner in crime, tell her Katherine says hello!). You'll love Michelle, she's a total sweetheart. Thanks so much for the comment!
xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea :)
Living in Dubai, I only discovered Domino mag about two months before the end. Really happy that Lonny Magazine has taken over!
OK I can't wait to hear about your trip and meeting the gang from Lonny!! So jealous. Tell them their mag is fab and I love it!!
lucky you getting to meet them! have fun!
I know!!!! I'm so excited! Thank you all for your interest.
Thank you for your kind comment. Anne
I was there too! It was so much fun! The food was delish, Michelle is stunning and stylish and how badly did you want to walk away with all of those RG pillows on the chaise!
The goodie bag was also quite the score.
I totally wished I would chatted up some people, but I was totally shy and didn't. So now I have to come out and say I was there too!
Was that the Calypso Home event??? Ooooh, that looked fabulous!! Actually going in tomorrow for another FAB event, soooo excited. I laughed reading your blog that you didn't know what to wear. I'm in the same boat!!
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